Precision Farming Systems

Greenly offers Precision farming Systems which is a way of farm management that optimizes output by using spatially targeted information and technology so different parts of a farm can get treatments best suited for their environmental conditions in terms of soil, slope, or sunlight. This is a farming management system based on the use of modern technologies at every stage of work.

Greenly Irrigation Systems contributes to Precision farming techniques with new innovative sensors and devices and supplies throughout Tamil Nadu, India with an extensive dealer and distribution network. Precision farming benefits outperform the cost by cultivating high-value agricultural products irrespective of the regions. Our range of services in precision farming includes GPS monitoring, precision crop management, Digital Spatial analysis, developement of precision agricultural systems, etc..

Key Benefits of Precision Farming

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Precision agriculture is a present-day farming practice that involves observing, measuring and responding to Intra and inter-field crop variability. It is also called satellite farming with a site-specific crop farming management concept that makes the production process more efficient.

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Precision farming is taken on to error-free management, reduces production costs and improves food yield using fewer resources. Precision agriculture allows growers and farmers to work with better soil in larger fields and manages them as a group of small fields.

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Precision farming involves strategic ways of guiding farmers in crop rotation, optimal planting or harvesting times and soil management to improve crop productivity and efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Environmental variation in soil, weather, vegetation, water and other factors that determine the growth of healthy crop and higher yield are considered for farming success and conservation of natural resources.

The goal of precision farming is to

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Reduce potential environmental risks and improved agricultural yield.

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Continuous monitoring and real-time data collection of parameters by the application of sensing devices.

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Maintain optimal conditions for plant growth.

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Integrated farm management techniques to improve productivity.

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Saving time and cost.

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Manage farm records and reduces environmental pollution.

What is Precision Farming?

Precision Farming System

Precision farming is a concept of modern automation using high technology sensor and analysis tools. Precision farming employs to enhance productivity, quality, and reduce toil time, and ensure the efficient governance of fertilizers and irrigation processes. Precision farming is notably known as satellite farming or site-specific crop management. Information, Technology, and Management are major components of precision farming. Precision farming utilizes satellite telecommunication enables real-time management of yield. It aids to monitor and dwindle the environmental impact of farming. Precision farming methodology engrosses the course of small-scale soil agronomy, sowing, fertilization, application of insecticides, and another accomplishment. Environmental aspects like soil, weather, vegetation, water are determining the factors of crop growth and farming success.

Precision farming aims to enrich crop performance and less impact on environmental deterioration. Precision farming refashioning the socio-economic status of farmers and India by using high technological machinery.

Precision Farming

Precision farming in India and Benefits of Precision farming

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Precision farming has been emerging from other countries and will be trending in India in the future. Precision agriculture is refashioning the way of farmers and farmworkers of their land. Precision agriculture is all about gathering geospatial information on soil-plant-animal specification and it imposes and applies site-specific treatments to expand agricultural production and conserve the atmosphere.

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Precision agriculture largely gaining popularity in India owing to the commence of high technology tools. Precision farming is more voracious, cost-effective, and user-friendly. Precision farming is purely based on innovations that rely upon the integration of on-board computers, data collection sensors, and GPS time and position reference systems.

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People have the wrong perspective that the benefits of precision agriculture can only be attained on large farms with huge capital investments and expertise in telecommunication. But that is not the case. Precision farming is inexpensive and easy-to-use, with simple strategies and mechanisms that can be developed for the farmers. Through the use of technology like GPS, GIS, and remote sensing, Variable Rate Applicator, Geo–mapping, Automated steering system are helps in improving land and water usage in India.

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Precision agriculture protecting natural resources for future use. Many farmers utilize GPS-derived output to enhance production in their farming horticulture. GPS receivers enhance mapping field boundaries, irrigation systems, roads, trouble parts in crops such as weeds or diseases. The accuracy of GPS ensures farmers create farm maps, road locations, and distances between yields. GPS helps the farmers to fix accurate navigation to specific locations in the field and collect soil samples and also monitor crop conditions.

Technology in Precision farming

Global Positioning System (GPS) Farming Technique
The advancement and accomplishment of precision agriculture or satellite farming have been made achievable by combining the Global Positioning System (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS). These telecommunications collect real-time data with precise capacity information that is pre-eminent to the effective manipulation and investigation of large amounts of geospatial data.

GPS depends on precision farming applications for farm planning, yield mapping, soil sampling, tractor guidance, crop scouting, variable rate applications, and field mapping. GPS allows farmers to work during low-visibility field conditions such as rain, fog, dust, and darkness. Precise technology employed in pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers has been helpful in the dispersion of chemicals in the field of precision agriculture and it further reduces expenditure, producing a higher yield, profitable in usage, and constitute a more contexture-friendly farm.
Remote sensing
Remote sensing mechanisms are used to explore agricultural applications such as crop discrimination, crop acreage estimation, crop condition assessment, soil moisture estimation, yield evolution, monitoring weeds and crop diseases, precision agriculture, soil analysis, and water resources mapping. Through DGPS, farmers can endure the data documentation for crop productivity which leads to a more effective profitable farming system.

Advantage of Precision farming Systems

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Enhanced Sustainability and upsurge profit in productivity.

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Observing and maintaining the growth of yield and Provides opportunities for better capacity management which minimizes wastage.

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Precision agriculture engages data from various sources to enhance crop yields.

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Time conserving and minimum expenditure.

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Compatible with eco-logical and reduce environmental pollution.

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Mapping entire plant growth and crop quality. Fully equipped machinery and GPS tracking and sensors.

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Prohibit soil degradation and demise chemical components in yield productivity.

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Efficacious in water usage and fertilizer reduction.

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Efficient crop quality and quantity by using modern farm practices.

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Technology in Precision farming.

Precision farming is a new approach to modern science and technology.

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Global Positioning System (GPS)

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Remote Sensing

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Variable Rate Applicator

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Automated steering system

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Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)

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Nitrogen and Weather Modeling

Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Greenly Irrigation Systems
Plot #5 A, VRS Nagar Road, Cheremaanagar Near 6th Bus stop, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India.
+91 75502
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