Agriculture Drones for Spraying

Greenly Irrigation System provides agriculture drones for spraying pesticides and fertilizers on fields. Drones not only empowers agriculture professionals with powerful equipment but also provides intelligent solutions that save time and increase workflow, benefiting a wide range of customers from farmers and growers to agricultural cooperation and service agencies.

Key Benefits of Service

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10 Liters Sprayer Agri Drone -Hexacopter (Autonomous )

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Powerful Propulsion System, Precise & Efficient Maximum.

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Long Endurance, Suitable for wide range of crops.

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akeoff Weight 28 Kg, Altitude 200 feet.

Advantages :

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Helps improve productivity.

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Helps reduce pollution.

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Lower analysis costs.

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Increases employment opportunities.

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Adapts to changing climate.

Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Greenly Irrigation Systems
Plot #5 A, VRS Nagar Road, Cheremaanagar Near 6th Bus stop, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India.
+91 75502
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