Agricultural Sprinkler Irrigation System

Greenly Irrigation Systems, the Leading high-quality agricultural Sprinkler irrigation system supplier in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. We supply at an affordable cost. Our products are preferred by farmers as it offers the best cost per hectrare. We supply and integrate sprinkler system for farms and fields.

Sprinkler irrigation system allows application of water under high pressure with the help of a pump. It releases water similar to rainfall through a small diameter nozzle placed in the pipes. Water is distributed through a system of pipes, sprayed into air and irrigates in most of the soil type due to wide range of discharge capacity.
Sprinkler Irrigation System

Components of Sprinkler System

Sprinklers or nozzles, laterals, sub-mains, and mainlines are the primary components of a sprinkle irrigation system. Sprinklers spread water as “rainlike” droplets over the land surface. Laterals receive water from the mainline and sub-main and convey to the sprinklers. Mainlines convey water from the water source to the sub-mains and laterals.
The Components are below here
1. A pump unit
2. Fertilizer application units and filters
3. Pipe network- main/sub-mains and laterals
4. Sprinkler head
5. Couplers, valves, risers, bends, plugs etc.

Design of Sprinkler irrigation System

The basic objective of sprinkler irrigation system is to apply uniform depth of water at predetermined application rate. The sprinkler irrigation system should be designed properly to achieve high irrigation efficiency. The inventory of resources and climatic conditions of the field area are primarily required for the design of sprinkler irrigation system.
List of resources and other parameters
Land : Land is often a major factor in irrigation system design as it influences the selection of sprinkler device, irrigation efficiency, costs of land development, labour requirements, range of possible crops, etc.
Water : The Sources of water supply for Sprinkler Irrigation is under surface.
Climate : Important climatic data required are solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, evapotranspiration rate, precipitation or rainfall and wind speed.
Source of power : Electricity, diesel, solar, wind and biofuels are used to pump water from the source. The selection of pump depends on type of power used to operate pump.

Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation System

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Eliminates water conveyance channels, thereby reducing conveyance loss.

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Suitable in all types of soil except heavy clay.

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Water saving up to 30% - 50 %.

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Helps to increase yield.

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Reduces soil compaction

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Provides frost protection & helps in alteration of micro climate.

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Suitable for irrigation where the plant population per unit area is very high.

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Mobility of system helps system operation easy.

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Suitable for undulating land

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Saves land as no bunds required.

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Soluble fertilizers and chemicals use are possible.

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Reduces labour cost.

Sprinkler Irrigation Valves

Sprinkler Irrigation Valves (a.k.a. Solenoid Valves) are the heart beat of any Irrigation System taking cues from the controller to turn valves on and off at desired watering intervals. Solenoid valves are usually protected with a durable valve box to protect them from landscape equipment and allow for easier access to repair.
Types of Sprinkling Valves

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Residential Sprinkler Irrigation Valves.

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Commercial Sprinkler Irrigation Valves.

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Sprinkler Irrigation Valve Boxes.

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Manual Pvc Ball Valves.

Sprinkler Irrigation Valves

Sprinkler Irrigation Timers

There are three basic types of irrigation timers: mechanical, electronic and hybrid timers.

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Mechanical timers : Mechanical timers must be set manually, but are very economical. Be sure to monitor your lawn closely and make adjustments when needed with mechanical timers.

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Electronic timers : Electronic timers provide more options and features and can be controlled remotely from a computer or smartphone, allowing you to make adjustments in real time when the weather changes. Some electronic timers can control both regular and drip irrigation systems.

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Hybrids timers : Hybrids combine features of both with convenient controls and easy-to-read inputs. Hybrids also feature digital readouts and easy-to-use sliders for setting water duration.

Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Greenly Irrigation Systems
Plot #5 A, VRS Nagar Road, Cheremaanagar Near 6th Bus stop, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India.
+91 75502
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